Communicast: A Communication Skills Podcast

Dr. Aaron Bishop: How to Build Conversational Intelligence

Episode Summary

Listen with empathy and practice conversational intelligence. Sound advice from my guest Dr. Aaron Bishop. Dr. Bishop is a multifaceted transformational leader with experience in education, politics, philanthropy, and is the author of For Such a Time as This. In this episode we talk about the power of stories, empathy, and how to develop main character energy. I hope you enjoy.

Episode Notes

Listen with empathy and practice conversational intelligence. Sound advice from my guest Dr. Aaron Bishop. Dr. Bishop is a multifaceted transformational leader with experience in education, politics, philanthropy, and is the author of For Such a Time as This.  

In this episode we talk about the power of stories, empathy, and how to develop main character energy.  

I hope you enjoy. 

Key Points: 

Power of Stories [00:02:39] Dr. Bishop discusses the impact of words and stories on his life and the importance of conversational intelligence.

Conversational Intelligence [00:04:26] Dr. Bishop explains the concept of conversational intelligence and its role in effective communication and leadership.

Listening with Empathy [00:10:05] Dr. Bishop emphasizes the power of listening with empathy and aligning oneself as a solution provider in leadership and communication.

Empathy and Truth [00:11:54] Dr. Bishop discusses the importance of empathy in a world filled with real information and disinformation, and how it allows people to safely state their opinions and build together.

Communication and Leadership [00:14:43] The speakers emphasize the importance of empathy and communication skills in leadership, including the need for regular, open, and honest conversations to prevent negative assumptions and drive towards common goals.

Storytelling and Personability [00:19:29] Dr. Bishop shares his communication skills of storytelling and being personable, highlighting the power of engaging people through stories and building trust with best intentions.

Title [00:24:13] Importance of being personable and finding what works best for effective communication.

Title [00:25:14] Building bridges in conversation through open-ended questions and active listening.

Title [00:28:26] The significance of association and connecting dots in conversation to build relationships and gain trust.

Reading for Communication Skills [00:34:53] Reading improves communication skills by providing credible information, improving grammar and writing skills, storytelling skills, and vocabulary.

Advice on Communication Skills [00:35:56] Dr. Bishop gives advice on the importance of communication skills and their impact on one's life.

Finding Your Voice and Restoring Balance [00:36:19] Dr. Bishop emphasizes the importance of finding one's voice, building a toolbox of communication skills, and maintaining a balance between development and reflection.

Additional Resources:

► Follow Communispond on LinkedIn for more communication skills tips:
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► Connect with Dr. Bishop on LinkedIn:
► Learn more about Dr. Bishop’s work:
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► Download the ProSpeak® app. Providing users with instant feedback on presentation and communication skills. - Apple: